WH Chronicle GHD 2025

 February 2, 2025

Happy Groundhog Day!

As the lifeblood of local journalism fades and newspapers fall like silent casualties, the Chronicle, too, is forced underground—returning to its covert roots as a trusted, off-the-grid email list. In these uncertain times, access to truth is not guaranteed. If you seek the latest dispatches from the Chronicle and Chronicle Sidebar, you must go directly to the source. Contact the owner—for vital information about all things Whaleherdienda.  

Signing off!
Your Loyal Whaleherd Reporter


WH Chronicle GHD 2024

February 2, 2024

Happy Groundhog Day!!! 

Из-за тревожно непочтительного содержания этого семейного блога мы, моральные авторитеты, конфисковали частное содержание, чтобы защитить неприкосновенность истинных американских ценностей. Связь этой семьи с дегенеративным искусством, музыкой, языком и философией привела к принятию соответствующих мер цензуры. Они получают санкцию с гордостью.

«Природа не знает непристойностей, их выдумывает человек». ~Марк Твен

«Это была всего лишь прелюдия; там, где сжигают книги, в конечном итоге будут сжигать и людей». ~ Генрих Гейне, 1821 г.

С Днем сурка!


WH Chronicle GHD 2023

 February 2, 2023

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

Please Note: Your staff here at the WH Chronicle constantly endeavor to keep up with the latest trends in family journalism. In this vain, we offer you this year's GHD letter as entirely created by the myriad of Artificial Intelligence websites available on the internet.  For your amusement our prompts will be in < > brackets.  From this point on--we didn't write it! Enjoy! xoxo, D

<Write a family newsletter about the "Whaleherd Family, with a dog named "Guido", parrot named "Roxy", daughter named, "Daryl", and son named "Sam" and mom and dad in an absurdist style. >

Welcome to the latest edition of the Whaleherd Family Newsletter!

First up, we have some incredible news - our dog, Guido, has finally mastered the art of levitation! After months of rigorous training and the use of advanced quantum physics, Guido can now successfully float above the ground on command. We're convinced he's the first canine astronaut.

In other news, our parrot, Roxy, has been causing quite a stir lately. It seems she's been studying the ancient art of time travel, and now greets us with phrases from the future. We're not quite sure how to handle this development, but we're definitely intrigued.

Speaking of Daryl, she's been busy with her school's debate team. She's been working on her argument skills and we're convinced she'll be the first to successfully argue with a black hole.

Our son, Sam, has been keeping busy with his new hobby of inter-dimensional travel. He's been working on his skills to navigate different parallel universes and we're excited to see him explore new dimensions.

Dad has been busy with work as usual, but he's been trying to make more time for the family. He's been taking us all out for intergalactic cruises on Sundays and it's become a nice tradition.

Lastly, mom has been busy with her knitting club. She's been working on a new sweater pattern made of antimatter, and we're excited to see the finished product.

That's all for now folks! Thanks for reading and we'll see you in the next edition of the Whaleherd Family Newsletter, from a parallel universe where dogs can levitate and parrots can time-travel.

< Offer some fun facts about groundhogs>
Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are not actually experts on predicting the weather. In fact, their predictions are accurate only about 39% of the time, which is no better than chance.

<Write a limerick about a groundhog named Phil>
There once was a groundhog named Phil
Who on Groundhog Day had quite the thrill
He peeked out from his hole
And if he saw his shadow, a toll
Six more weeks of winter, it would instill

<State some false facts about groundhogs>
Punxsutawney Phil can forecast the weather with 100% accuracy.
Punxsutawney Phil can predict natural disasters and other severe weather events
Punxsutawney Phil can talk and communicate with humans
Punxsutawney Phil can control the weather
Punxsutawney Phil is a magical creature with supernatural abilities
Punxsutawney Phil is a machine or robot
Punxsutawney Phil predictions are based on scientific research

Please note that all the above statements are false, Punxsutawney Phil predictions are based on a tradition and not on scientific research, and Punxsutawney Phil is just a groundhog, not a magical creature with supernatural abilities, machine or robot, or can communicate with humans. His predictions are based on the folklore belief that if the groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day, it means six more weeks of winter, if he doesn't see its shadow it means an early spring. Also, his predictions are not 100% accurate, they are a fun and lighthearted way to mark the arrival of the season.

<State some false facts about AI>
"AI will take over the world and destroy humanity"
"AI will replace all human jobs"
"AI is only capable of performing simple tasks"
"AI lacks creativity and emotions" (!!??)
"AI will become smarter than humans and become a threat"

Please note that all of the above quotes are false and are not backed by scientific research. AI is a tool designed to assist humans, not replace them, and its capabilities and limitations are determined by the programming and data it is given. Additionally, AI is not capable of consciousness or self-awareness and is not a threat to humanity.

<State some humorous quotes about AI>
"AI is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it." - Unknown
"AI is a bunch of ones and zeroes trying to convince you it's a person." - Unknown
"AI is like a genie, it can grant your wishes, but the real magic is in asking the right questions." - Unknown

Note: I (AI) hope the above quotes will bring a smile on your face, but please keep in mind that AI is a serious and complex field, and these quotes should not be taken too seriously.

<Groundhog and Bassoon>

<Groundhog and French horn>

<family portrait, man, woman, son, daughter, red bird, dog in post impressionistic style>

<Rap song with lyrics about Groundhog Day>

<Video of Groundhog, bassoon, french horn>

Postscript: We are all doing fine and we wish the same for each of you! xoxo


WH Chronicle GHD 2022

"Seriously? They're letting a gopher give a six-week extended weather forecast?! What's next? A cat flying the traffic 'copter?!!"
~Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy, The Duplex, 2015

"It's a freakin' holiday entirely based on the power of a psychic rodent. If that isn't the epitome of awesome, I don't know what is."
~Flying LlamaFish, "7 Reasons Groundhog Day is the Ultimate Holiday," 2010, PunIntended.com

Still floatin' nose up (as my dad always says),



WH Chronicle GHD 2021

February 2, 2021

Happy Groundhog Day!  

2020 was a great year to be a groundhog!  In fact, in tribute to our newsletter mascot, we have taken to

the quintessential lifestyle of the typical groundhog family. With almost 12 months of hibernation

hangin' over our belts, we’ve mastered ordering groceries online and watching Netflix until our eyes bleed.

At least when I shave, I look less like a groundhog, which isn't the case for Tom.  

What we’ve learned in 2020: 

  • There’s a lot of bad TV available to stream--and we’ve become dumberer by watching it.  

  • Don’t cook broccoli in the instant pot

  • Despite what youtube videos say, it is not easy to cut your own hair 

  • It's hard to get a bad hair cut fixed during a pandemic 

  • Update to the Roman's philosophy: replace “Bread and Circuses” with “Chips and Netflix”

  • “I just need some time to get that finished”, well, I must have needed more than just time.

Bright Side of 2020:

  • Think of all the money we’ve saved on personal hygiene.

Post-Pandemic Concerns: 

  • It’s so much easier to put on a mask than make-up.  

State of Fate in 2020:

Daris is now Faculty-in-Residence at Texas State, which means we get to live in a college dorm during

the pandemic.  Our lives basically resemble the “At Home with Baker Mayfield” commercials where he

resides in Cleveland stadium.  There are at least 18 different toilets to which Tom can be exiled.  Our

actual apartment has all the furnishings from our former RV.  We call it “Hobo-chic”. 

Sam is still madly in love with Roxy, his ruby Macaw.  They spend their days together mocking the poor

professors hosting Sam's online community college courses.  Between zoom sessions, they take a break

to practice rock guitar at full volume.

Daryl is making her own way in the world in Utah, as a deferred student at the University.  Having to provide for herself is a new challenge which she is embracing by experimenting with different money earning opportunities.  As many of you may have unfortunately discovered, she is selling Cutco knives.  Tom and I were her inaugural presentation.  In an effort to help her prepare for future presentations we asked helpful questions such as “Do you have any knives that can slash tires?” and “Which knives are best for skinning squirrels?”  She didn’t seem to appreciate our efforts. 

Tom and I have met the restlessness from the pandemic by daydreaming about having different occupations in different countries.  Dream du jour usually focuses around the topic of whatever show we happen to be bingeing.  In the last year, we’ve fantasized about a bungalow in the UK,  a villa in Colombia, and a chateau in France. Next on our list is the Martian series "The Expanse". Real estate on Mars is quite affordable at only $29.95/acre. Just think, the opportunities are endless! If you want to be our neighbor, you can purchase land at www.buymars.com.

Despite several exciting job interviews, Nathan got caught out in the cold during the pandemic hiring freeze for computer programmers. So he is here in the dorm with us. Finally, things are starting to look up with a few nibbles on the job front. Though we'll be happy for him when he gets a job, we'll be a bit lost without his kind presence.

Hilde is in the UK working on her master's degree.  Jamilly just got a puppy.  Sophia is happy with her

family in Arusha.  Kaghondi is doing exceptionally well with his family in Minnesota! 

Menagerie:  Mooch, the cat, has (of course) moved in with Tammy and Casey. He knows where his kitty

bread is buttered.  Guido, dog,  is the dorm mascot.  Luwise, the lil’ bird, is hangin’ with Tudder and

Pawpaw.  Roxy, the big bird, is glued to Sammy.  

Pandemic Enlightenment: Over the course of the pandemic I have learned about the journey of errant

socks on their metaphysical quest to transform from dirty to clean when they finally make their exit from our visual realm.  Like all enlightenment, any attempt to explain this phenomenon could soil another's opportunity at transformation. You'll come to know when you are truly ready.  Be happy for lost socks, as they are finally free of our smelly feet.

Owning an odd number of odd socks,


I don’t need time, I need a deadline. ~Duke Ellington

The young always have the same problem — how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have

now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another. ~Quentin Crisp

Newlyweds become oldyweds, and oldyweds are the reasons that families work. ~Author Unknown

Jogging 'round Townlake Summer 2020

Cozy blanket to keep warm in Utah!

Roxy is very good at online courses.

So is Gweedy. 

She photobombed this shot of a card game. 

Gweedy strikin' a pose for his Instagram.

He encourages the students to be safe. 

And tries to dress cool for them. 

Football Game!

It's not just the dog that drinks from the toilet. 

25th year Anniversary and 50th birthday. 


Staying warm during jogging club is important!

Front yard!

When not sitting on Sam, Roxy likes a good story. 

No one can hear his horn over his shirt. 

Remember back when it was ok to invite people into your house? 


WH Chronicle GHD 2020

February 2, 2020

Happy Groundhog Day!

Judging from all the media hype and commercialism around ‘the big game day’ it is really encouraging to see so many are finally embracing the true meaning of Groundhog Day with unbridled enthusiasm.   Go, Groundhogs!!

 As I contemplate which events of our whaleherd year would best be suited for the gentle eyes of our public, I must confess that an ever-growing state of criticism and controversy over written word gives me pause. 

Like, I would love to tell you about how our family fully embraces the esprit de corps of the Kansas City Chiefs, demonstrated through costumes and dancing…but that event is better left undocumented. Then there is celebrating our favorite country’s cuisine with our sombreros…but never mind about that.  I guess I shouldn’t even mention the theatrical reading of Uncle Remus…or even consider accepting large sums of money for writing the stories of my dear students in Tanzania.    

So, instead, I will share all of the year’s events that are completely race appropriate and benignly pleasing to the sensitivity readers:  Our family watched every episode of Pawn Stars on Netflix; we ate grapefruit; we used one Splenda in our decaf lattes; we bitched about pop-up ads; we answered inordinate amount of emails; we bought an Instant Pot, we used it a lot; we complained about pilled yoga pants; we researched every tiny purchase on Amazon; we hold accounts on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, and Disney Plus; we whined about how natural deodorant is still not there yet; and we picked up dog poo (usually in the house and not outside).  Isn’t that all the American dream summed up in a doggie bag?

Not to forget, it is definitely a first world activity just to tell you about our life via white-man blog—and as much so for you to read it.  We tweet, chat, email, blog, text, post, etc.  So, it seems the time for backyard get-togethers, relaxing Sunday dinners has gone by the wayside cuz we’re too busy posting or preparing something within our digital worlds?   Maybe.  But, I digress from true blog format, where only upbeat, non-thought provoking, and attention-impaired accessibility is allowed.   

Annual American Family Checklist
Travel (professionally and vacationally)
Health re-evaluation
College audition hell
Grumpy teen
Won Lottery (in all of life’s most important categories)

In our health re-evaluation, the doctor encouraged us to eat organic and to eliminate processed foods.  Sounds easy enough, right?   But upon inspection, a bag of organic carrots costs more than a Big Mac.  And a head of organic cauliflower costs more than 5 items at Taco Bell.  So, in all seriousness, we have an incentive issue at play:  it is cheaper to eat poorly, suffer illness, and then let insurance pay for medications, than it is to join the gym and eat healthy, organic food.   But, as my dad always says, “You don’t want your money’s worth out of insurance.”  I need to take his advice more often, I think.

In our health revamp, I’ve also switched to organic deodorant and hairspray.  It was all fine and good until I confused the two.  I had sticky armpits and my hair didn’t sweat—only one of those outcomes is even slightly desirable.

Troop Roll Call:

Daryl is in the middle of college audition hell.  It is an expensive and an extremely grueling process for a program in Musical Theatre because of the high rate of rejection.  Most programs only take 4-10 ladies each year.    Keep your fingers crossed that she is happy with the final outcome and the impending financial doom doesn’t eliminate our Splenda Lattes. 

Sammy still works in the avian department at the aquarium.  He just adopted a new member of the family.  If she were human she’d be able to take care of us all in our old age, but rather the opposite.  I have trouble envisioning any American family that can truly offer a forever-home to a macaw.  What person has 75 years of a consistent life-style?  It seems like just 25 years would be a lot to ask.  It is as if these creatures live mythological lives blessing one generation to the next, like Santa Claus, or maybe, Krampus.   

Just like Daryl, Nathan is getting ready to graduate with his computer science degree.  When Tom asked him if he was interested in graduate school, he scoffed and said that route is only for those who want to teach or research. Whew—wouldn’t want that!

Hilde is working in Prague. Carolyn just released her first album.  Jamilly hasn’t called. Sophia had her baby.  Kaghondi is living with family in Minnesota while working as a pastor.  We love them all so much.


Guido runs from the bird.  Mooch runs from the bird.  Daryl runs from the bird.  Louwise sits in her cage and eats her foot.  They all strap their fannypacks on when it’s time to be mobile.

Introducing: Roxy.   Roxy is a magnificent Ruby Macaw—Sammy’s dream bird.  She was hand-raised and is very comfortable climbing on, riding on, nibbling on, and pooping on people.  She waddles around the house chasing the dog as if flying wasn’t invented.   Sam behaves like a new dad and tends Roxy’s every need.  They sleep together, shower together, eat together, study together, ride in the car together, and blow up aliens together. Both Sam and Roxy are amused that she can stick her tongue up Sammy’s nose almost a whole inch. Roxy also wakes him each morning by regurgitating on him.  A sign, that we read, is a show of birdy love. Ahhh…how sweet. 

Stay tuned for next year’s Groundhog Day edition:  “And then there were 3…”

“One of the most significant facts about humanity may finally be that we all begin with the natural equipment to live a thousand kinds of life but end in the end having lived only one.”  ~Clifford Geertz

“The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude.” ~Robert Brault,

“The advantage of a classical education is that it enables you to despise the wealth which it prevents you from achieving.”  ~Russell Green

“Do not waste yourself in rejection; do not bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good.”   ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy about it all,

Roxy and Sam

Sam's new car!

Almost road worthy!

Our first minute driving in England. 

The second minute driving in England...


Sam took this one...

Darn Tourists

Castle visits: multiply this photo by 1000. 

What's a Welsh Duck Train?

Sam, again.

We met "Chewing Gum Man"  He paints gum discarded around London. 

Sav and Daryl have personalized gum on Millennium Bridge

Sam and a mangy pigeon. 

Where the Robin Williams' "Popeye" was filmed.

Croatian Beach, complete with snack-hunting donkey.

Wanna go to a German Spa? 

Nuf' said. 

Did we win the prize for best Louvre photo?

Sammy working at the dairy farm. 

All of his time at the London Zoo was here.  

Keep your fingers crossed for this one's theatrical pursuits!  

May your days be filled with love!